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Submision of the paper December 31, 2014

Registration of the authors of Proceedings October 15, 2014

Abstracts submission before August 31, 2014

Registration without visa application before August 31, 2014

Registration with visa application before June 30, 2014

Previous meetings:

2012 2010 2008 2006 2004


[A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][R][S][T][U][V] [W][Y][Z]

Alikhanov Ibragim (Baksan, Russia)
The Glashow resonance in neutrino-nucleus scattering

Andronov Evgeny (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Long range rapidity correlations between the transverse momentum and the multiplicities in light-nuclei collisions

Anikin Igor (JINR)
Factorization theorem for semi-inclusive processes with transverse polarizations

Aparin Alexey (JINR)
Self-similarity of cumulative hadron production in pa collisions at low and high pt

Artemenkov Denis (JINR)
Exposures of nuclear track emulsion to light radioactive nuclei, neutrons and heavy ions

Artiushenko Maryna (Kharkov, Ukraine)
Energy dependence of the natU(n,f), natU(n,γ) and Co(n,x) reaction rates in the volume of QUINTA setup irradiated by 1-4 AGeV deuterons and 12C ions

Bandurin Dmitry (JINR)
Recent D0 QCD results

Barabanov Mikhail (JINR)
Perspective study of charmonium and exotics with hidden charm above threshold

Bekzhanov Artem (JINR)
Elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the Bethe-Salpeter approach

Belushkin Alexander (JINR)
Magnetic biosensors and impact of neutron scattering for their development

Bielewicz Marcin (Otwock-Swierk, Poland)
Measurements of fast neutron spectrum in QUINTA assembly irradiated with 2, 4 and 8 GeV deuterons

Blaschke David (Wroclaw, Poland)
Cluster virial expansion for quark and nuclear matter

Bogolubsky Igor (JINR)
On gluon propagator and Gribov noise in Landau gauge gluodynamics

Bondarenko Serge (JINR)
Separable kernels of the NN interaction within Bethe-Salpeter approach

Bukhal Volha (Minsk, Belarus)
Determination of heavy metal spallation reactions cross sections at 2, 2.94, 3.5 GeV deuteron beams

Burov Valery (JINR)
Bethe-Salpeter approach with separable potential. Review and results

Burov Valery, Malakhov Alexander (JINR)

Chavleishvili Mikhail (Dubna, Russia)
Symmetry, small parameters and spin-particle reactions

Chudoba Petr (Rez, Czech Republic)
Study of cross-sections of yttrium (n,xn) threshold reactions

Dedovich Tatyana (JINR)
Comparison of fractal analysis methods for fractal and random data sets

Demichev Mikhail (JINR)
Measurements of jet and photon production properties in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

Dorokhov Alexander (JINR)
Status of the muon g-2 problem

Drozhzhova Tatiana (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Determination of classes of events in multiplicity and its relevance to centrality in high energy Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions in different MC models

Dryablov Dmitry (JINR)
New status of the project 'Eta-Nuclei' at the Nuclotron

Dubinin Alexandr (Wroclaw, Poland)
Generalized Beth-Uhlenbeck approach for hadron matter

Efremov Anatoly (JINR)
Nucleon spin structure: today and tomorrow

Egorov Mikhail (Tomsk, Russia)
Double pion photoproduction on light nuclei

Eliseev Sergey (JINR)
Phenomenology and space-time picture of hadronization: past, present and future

Fedorišin Ján (JINR)
Simulations of MPD straw end-cap tracker

Feofilov Grigory (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Constraints on the percolation model from the anomalous centrality evolution data from Au-Au collisions at sqrt(s) = 62 and 200 GeV

Feofilov Grigory (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
New Si-Vertex Detector for NA61

Filip Peter (Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Decay of hadronic resonances in strong magnetic field

Galoyan Aida (JINR)
Dynamics of interactions of anti-protons and anti-nuclei with nuclei in Geant4

Ganbold Gurjav (JINR)
Meson mass spectrum and the Fermi coupling in the covariant confined quark model

Gapienko Vladimir (Protvino, Russia)
Study of the nuclear matter in hard proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at the U70 accelerator (Proposal of experiment ”FLUCTON”)

Geraksiev Nikolay (JINR)
Feasibility of hyperon elliptic flow study

Gerasimov Sergo (JINR)
The structure of two lowest mass scalar meson multiplets derived by using a kind of the "inverse problem" approach

Glagolev Viktor (JINR)
Measurement of the charge exchange np→pn reaction by means of the deuteron beam

Goloskokov Sergey (JINR)
Pion pole and transversity effects in hard exclusive meson leptoproduction

Golovanov Georgy (JINR)
Double parton interactions at D0

Gorbunov Ilia (JINR)
The recent results of the CMS Collaboration (on behalf of the CMS Coll.)

Husak Krystsina (Minsk, Belarus)
Determination of the ratios of the average plutonium-239 and neptunium-237 fission cross-sections to the average uranium-235 fission cross-section in the assembly QUINTA neutron field

Ilieva Mariya (JINR)
A Monte Carlo study of the strange particle production at NICA/MPD

Jerusalimov Alexander (JINR)
Di-pion production in np-interaction at intermediate energies

Kaloshin Alexander (Irkutsk, Russia)
Mixing of fermions and spectral representation of propagator

Kaltenborn Mark (Memphis, USA)
Exotic nuclear shapes in the pasta phase of matter in neutron stars

Kekelidze Vladimir (JINR)
Status-report of the NICA@JINR

Kilim Stanisław (Otwock-Swierk, Poland)
Measurements of Np-237 incineration in ADS setup QUINTA

Kireyeu Viktar (JINR)
Study of Clusters and Hypernuclei production with NICA/MPD and BM@N experiments

Kirin Dmitry (Moscow, Russia)
Neutron position sensitive detector

Kiselev Sergey (Moscow, Russia)
Hadronic resonance production with ALICE at the LHC

Kobushkin Alexander (Kiev, Ukraine)
Radiative corrections in polarization observables of elastic ep-scattering

Kokoulina Elena (JINR)
Anomalous soft photons at Nuclotron nuclear beams

Kolesnikov Vadim (JINR)
Production of (anti)deuterons in heavy-ion collisions at SPS energies

Kolomeitsev Evgeni (Banska Bystrica, Slovakia)
Multi-strangeness in heavy ion collisions

Kompaniets Mikhail (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Six-loop calculations of the critical exponent eta in the phi4 theory

Konopleva Nelly (Russia)
45 years of “Baldin autumn”

Korenev Sergey (Siemens, Knoxville, USA)
Accelerator systems for the production of medical isotopes

Koryukin Valery (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
On construction methods of the strong gravitation theory

Kosmachev Oleg (JINR)
On the possibility of tau-lepton oscillations

Kostenko Boris (JINR)
Possible observation of phase transitions in two-nucleon systems

Kotikov Anatoly (JINR)
Parton distributions and fragmentation functions at low x values

Kovalenko Vladimir (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Long-range correlation studies at the SPS energies in MC model with string fusion

Kudashkin Ivan (JINR)
Diagnostics and monitoring of Nuclotron extracted beams for applied research

Kukhtin Victor (JINR)
Spin physics experiments at NICA-SPD with polarized proton and deuteron beams

Kulikov Viacheslav (Moscow, Russia)
Light ions in carbon fragmentation at 0.3-2.0 GeV/n

Kurilkin Aleksey (JINR)
Measurement of the quasi free np->npπ+π- and np->ppπ-π0 reactions at 1.25 GeV with HADES

Kurilkin Pavel (JINR)
Investigation of the light nuclei spin structure from hadronic channels at Nuclotron

Kushpil Vasilij (Rez near Prague, Czech Republic)
Investigation of avalanche photo detectors in NPI Rez in frame of collaboration work with JINR in 2014

Ladygin Vladimir (JINR)
Polarization effects in hadronic reactions in a GeV region

Larin Sergey (Moscow, Russia)
QCD with massive gluons

Linnyk Olena (Giessen, Germany)
Probing QCD matter with real and virtual photons

Litvinenko Anatoly (JINR)
Simulation of the reaction of deuteron fragmentation into cumulative and double cumulative pions

Lomov Vladimir (Irkutsk, Russia)
Loop mixing of the opposite parity fermion fields and its manifestation in \pi N scattering

Luchinsky Alexey (Protvino, Russia)
Hadronic production of heavy quarkonia at LHC

Lukyanov Valery (JINR)
Medium effect on pion-nucleon amplitude in inelastic pion-nuclear scattering

Lushchevskaya Elena (Moscow, Russia)
Light mesons in strong magnetic field on the lattice

Lykasov Gennady (JINR)
Search for exotic quark components in proton at hard p-p collisions

Lyuboshitz Valery (JINR)
Femtoscopic correlations of two identical particles with nonzero spin in the model of one-particle multipole sources

Lyubovitsky Valery (Tubingen, Germany)
Nucleon structure in light-front quark model constrained by AdS/QCD

Machavariani Alexander (JINR)
On the field-theoretical formulation of the electron-proton scattering in the Coulomb and Lorentz gauges

Maggiora Marco (Turin, Italy)
Highlights on BESIII results

Maggiora Marco (Turin, Italy)
The PANDA Project at FAIR

Majlingova Olga (Rez/Prague, Czech Republic)
Hyperfragments from the lightest p-shell hypernuclei. II. Recent progress and the next steps

Makhaldiani Nugzar (JINR)
Hadronization mechanism in multiparticle production and solvable models of renormdynamics

Malakhov Alexander (JINR)
Self-similarity in the description of inclusive spectra of hadrons produced in pp- and AA- collisions

Mamatkulov Kahramon (JINR)
Fragmentation of relativistic nuclei 10C in a nuclear track emulsion

Mochalov Vasily (Protvino, Russia)
Polarization experiments with antiproton beam

Musakhanov Mirzayusuf (Uzbekistan)
Heavy-light quarks interactions in QCD vacuum

Musulmanbekov Genis (JINR)
Hyperon polarization in heavy ion collisions

Nedelko Sergei (JINR)
Domain wall network as QCD vacuum and the chromomagnetic trap formation under extreme conditions

Nedorezov Vladimir (Moscow, Russia)
Multi-fragmentation of nuclei: new experimental approaches and results

Neverov Dmitry (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Bose-Einstein effects in multiplicity and net-charge correlations in pp collisions using PYTHIA8 simulations

Oganessian Yuri (JINR)
Nuclei at the end of nuclear map

Olsen Stephen (Daejeon, South Korea)
A new hadron spectroscopy

Pacetti Simone (Perugia, Italy)
Hadron form factors in space-like and time-like regions: a review

Paraipan Mihaela (JINR)
Comparison between deuteron and carbon beams at QUINTA set-up

Parvan Alexandru (JINR)
Non-extensive statistics effects in transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in high-energy collisions

Perdrisat Charles (Williamsburg/Virginia, USA)
The form factors of the nucleons

Pervushin Victor (JINR)
Origin of masses in the Early Universe

Pestov Ivanhoe (JINR)
The Dirac theory and confinement

Piyadin Semen (JINR)
Investigation of the dp-non-mesonic breakup reaction at 300-500 MeV at Nuclotron

Pondrom Lee (USA)
W pair production at the Tevatron

Pozdnyakov Semyon (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
The 2 reggeons to 2 reggeon + particle effective vertex (A+A+A-A-Vnu) in the Lipatov effective action formalism

Pshenichnov Igor (Moscow, Russia)
Multifragment break-up of 12C in photonuclear reactions

Punjabi Vina (Norfolk, USA)
Nucleon Form Factor Measurements with 12 GeV CEBAF at Jefferson Lab

Riabov Victor (Gatchina, Russia)
Recent results from PHENIX on jet suppression and direct photon production

Rogachevsky Oleg (JINR)
Study of the structure for multiparticle production events

Rogochaya Elena (JINR)
Relativistic separable interaction kernel of the neutron-proton system with inelasticities for partial-wave states with J>1

Romanov Dmitry (Moscow, Russia)
Experimental set-up MARUSYA-FLINT for the study of correlations in cumulative process at Nuclotron-M beams. Current status

Sadovsky Alexander (Moscow, Russia)
First indication of the triangular (v3) and quadrangular (v4) flow of light hydrogen isotopes in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s)=2.4 GeV

Semak Artem (Protvino, Russia)
Production of cumulative particles and light nuclear fragments with big outside the target fragmentation region in pA interactions with 50 GeV protons

Serenkova Inna (Gomel, Belarus)
Identifying large extra dimensions in dilepton production at the Large Hadron Collider

Seryakov Andrey (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
A new look on signals of collective effects in AA and pA at LHC based on Modified Glauber Model

Sharov Vasily (JINR)
Measurement of the spin-dependent observables in the elastic NN collisions at NICA

Shebeko Oleksandr (Kharkov, Ukraine)
Clothed particles in mesodynamics, electrodynamics and other quantum field models

Shilin Vadim (JINR)
QCD inspired meson model and Swinger-Dyson equation for massless quark

Shimanskiy Stepan (JINR)
The study of cold dense baryonic matter and multi-quark configurations in processes with high pT

Shindin Roman (JINR)
The nd->p+(nn) charge exchange forward reaction versus np->np elastic backward one

Silenko Alexander (JINR)
Phenomenological description of electromagnetic and strong interactions in rotating frames at collisions of high energy nuclei

Sitnik Igor (JINR)
High precision measurements of cross-sections in A(d,p)X reactions at small internal proton momenta

Skachkov Nikolay (JINR)
D0 measurements of the processes with the direct photons

Słowiński Bronisław (Warsaw, Poland)
Neutrons production in heavy spallation targets by electrons beams

Słowiński Bronisław (Warsaw, Poland)
Space-dynamic correlations in quasi-two-particles \pi+Xe -> \pi + n interactions at energy region

Smolianskii Stanislav (Saratov, Russia)
WKB-type approximations in the theory of vacuum partial creation in strong fields

Solovtsova Olga (Gomel, Belarus)
Polarized nonsinglet delta q_3 and nonsinglet fragmentation function D^pi_u- in the analytic approach to QCD

Somsikov Vyacheslav (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Limitations of classical mechanics and ways it’s expansion

Stefanovich Eugene (Mountain View, USA)
Lorentz boosts in interacting systems

Strelchenko Maxim (JINR)
Implementation of a cellular automaton method for track reconstruction in the inner tracking system of MPD

Strozik-Kotlorz Dorota (JINR)
Cut Mellin Moments approach and generalized DGLAP equations

Suchopár Martin (Husinec-Řež, Czech Republic)
Studies of relativistic deuteron reaction cross-sections on copper by activation method

Surovtsev Yury (JINR)
The effect of processes in decays of the Psi- and Epsilon-meson families

Szuta Marcin (Otwock-Swierk, Poland)
Lead shielding impact on fast neutron spectrum (>10 MeV) in QUINTA uranium target

Tarantin Nikolay (JINR)
New possibility of neutron gеnеration for scientific and applied aims by fusion reactions of light nuclei

Temerbayev Azamat (JINR)
Spin observables of pd-scattering and null-test of T-invariance violation

Terekhin Arkadiy (JINR)
The differential cross section in the dp-elastic scattering at the energies from 500 to 1000 MeV/nucleon

Teryaev Oleg (JINR)
From pion formfactor to exclusive Drell-Yan processes

Tichy Pavel (Rez, Czech Republic)
Quasi-infinite depleted uranium target (BURAN)

Titov Alexandr (JINR)
Cumulative phenomena in scattering of an electron off a laser beam

Tokarev Mikhail (JINR)
Self-similarity of proton spin

Tomasi-Gustafsson Egle (Orsay, France)
Are narrow unflavoured mesons a signature of new physics?

Tomasi-Gustafsson Egle (Orsay, France)
Light meson emission in (anti)proton induced reactions

Toneev Vyacheslav (JINR)
Particularities of direct flow at the NICA energy range

Topilskaya Nataliya (Moscow, Russia)
Charmonium production in heavy ion collisions and suggestion of new experiments on fixed target

Trunin Anton (JINR)
Relativistic corrections to the pair mesons production in proton-proton collisions

Tseepeldorj Baatar (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
A particle emission region size in multiparticle production process

Uzikov Yury (JINR)
Polarized deuteron charge-exchange reaction dp->(pp)_s N pi in the Delta-isobar region

Vechernin Vladimir (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Theoretical description of the forward-backward multiplicity correlations in windows separated in azimuth and rapidity

Verkheev Alexander (JINR)
Measurement of the differential cross sections of the processes with a direct photon and associated hadronic jet in p-{\bar p} collisions at \sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV>

Wagner Vladimir (Rez, Czech Republic)
Nuclear data for advanced nuclear systems

Yordanova Lyubka (JINR)
Feasibility Study of \Phi (1020) Production at NICA/MPD

Yukalov Vyacheslav (JINR)
Phase transition in multicomponent field theory at finite temperature

Yuldashev Bekhzod (JINR)
Cumulative protons in hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions at high energies

Yurev Sergey (JINR)
Three-nucleon calculations within Bethe-Salpeter approach with separable kernel

Zakharov Alexander (Moscow, Russia)
Exoplanet searches with gravitational microlensing: polarization aspects

Zeman Miroslav (JINR)
Reaction rates of residual nuclei produced in 59Co with the spalation neutrons generated with deuterons of energy 4 AGeV at the massive uranium target QUINTA

Zhivkov Petar (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Analysis of spatial distributions of the (n,f)natU, (n,γ)natU, (n,xn)natU reaction rates in the massive (512 kg) natural uranium target assembly QUINTA induced by irradiation with deutеrons with energies in the range (1 – 8) GeV and a beam of carbon nuclei with energies 24 and 48 GeV