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Submision of the paper December 31, 2014

Registration of the authors of Proceedings October 15, 2014

Abstracts submission before August 31, 2014

Registration without visa application before August 31, 2014

Registration with visa application before June 30, 2014

Previous meetings:

2012 2010 2008 2006 2004


September 19, Friday
Conference Hall of BLTP JINR
Parallel Session A
Hadron spectroscopy, multiquarks

Chairman: G. Lykasov
09.00 Filip Peter (Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

Decay of hadronic resonances in strong magnetic field

09.20 Kurilkin Aleksey (JINR)

Measurement of the quasi free np->npπ+π- and np->ppπ-π0 reactions at 1.25 GeV with HADES

09.40 Alikhanov Ibragim (Baksan, Russia)

The Glashow resonance in neutrino-nucleus scattering

10.00 Kostenko Boris (JINR)

Possible observation of phase transitions in two-nucleon systems

10.20 Lomov Vladimir (Irkutsk, Russia)

Loop mixing of the opposite parity fermion fields and its manifestation in \pi N scattering

10.40 Linnyk Olena (Giessen, Germany)

Probing QCD matter with real and virtual photons

Coffee break 11.00 – 11.30

Structure functions of hadrons

Chairman: Eu. Stefanovich
11.30 Shebeko Oleksandr (Kharkov, Ukraine)

Clothed particles in mesodynamics, electrodynamics and other quantum field models

11.50 Kotikov Anatoly (JINR)

Parton distributions and fragmentation functions at low x values

12.30 Lykasov Gennady (JINR)

Search for exotic quark components in proton at hard p-p collisions

13.10 Kosmachev Oleg (JINR)

On the possibility of tau-lepton oscillations

13.30 Titov Alexandr (JINR)

Cumulative phenomena in scattering of an electron off a laser beam

Break 13.50 – 15.00

Structure functions of hadrons

Chairman: O. Teryaev
15.00 Pacetti Simone (Perugia, Italy)

Hadron form factors in space-like and time-like regions: a review

15.40 Strozik-Kotlorz Dorota (JINR)

Cut Mellin Moments approach and generalized DGLAP equations

16.00 Sitnik Igor (JINR)

High precision measurements of cross-sections in A(d,p)X reactions at small internal proton momenta

16.20 Bekzhanov Artem (JINR)

Elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the Bethe-Salpeter approach

16.40 Yurev Sergey (JINR)

Three-nucleon calculations within Bethe-Salpeter approach with separable kernel

17.20 Tarantin Nikolay (JINR)

New possibility of neutron gеnеration for scientific and applied aims by fusion reactions of light nuclei

Coffee break 17.20 – 17.50