September 19, Friday Blokhintsev Auditorium of BLTP JINR Parallel Session B |
Studies of exotic nuclei in relativistic beams |
Chairman: L. Majling |
09.00 Lukyanov Valery (JINR)
Medium effect on pion-nucleon amplitude in inelastic pion-nuclear scattering |
09.20 Dryablov Dmitry (JINR) |
09.40 Artemenkov Denis (JINR)
Exposures of nuclear track emulsion to light radioactive nuclei, neutrons and heavy ions |
10.00 Kireyeu Viktar (JINR)
Study of Clusters and Hypernuclei production with NICA/MPD and BM@N experiments |
10.20 Mamatkulov Kahramon (JINR)
Fragmentation of relativistic nuclei 10C in a nuclear track emulsion |
10.40 End |
Coffee break 11.00 – 11.30 |
Polarization phenomena, spin physics |
Chairman: V. Punjabi |
11.30 Sharov Vasily (JINR)
Measurement of the spin-dependent observables in the elastic NN collisions at NICA |
12.00 Mochalov Vasily (Protvino, Russia) |
12.30 Zakharov Alexander (Moscow, Russia)
Exoplanet searches with gravitational microlensing: polarization aspects |
13.00 Silenko Alexander (JINR) |
13.30 Goloskokov Sergey (JINR)
Pion pole and transversity effects in hard exclusive meson leptoproduction |
Break 14.00 – 15.00 |
Project NICA/MPD at JINR |
Chairman: A. Sorin |
15.00 Fedorišin Ján (JINR) |
15.40 Geraksiev Nikolay (JINR) |
16.00 Ilieva Mariya (JINR)
A Monte Carlo study of the strange particle production at NICA/MPD |
16.20 Kushpil Vasilij (Rez near Prague, Czech Republic) |
16.40 Strelchenko Maxim (JINR) |
17.00 Yordanova Lyubka (JINR) |
Coffee break 17.20 – 17.50 |