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Submision of the paper December 31, 2014

Registration of the authors of Proceedings October 15, 2014

Abstracts submission before August 31, 2014

Registration without visa application before August 31, 2014

Registration with visa application before June 30, 2014

Previous meetings:

2012 2010 2008 2006 2004


September 19, Friday
Blokhintsev Auditorium of BLTP JINR
Parallel Session B
Studies of exotic nuclei in relativistic beams

Chairman: L. Majling
09.00 Lukyanov Valery (JINR)

Medium effect on pion-nucleon amplitude in inelastic pion-nuclear scattering

09.20 Dryablov Dmitry (JINR)

New status of the project ”Eta-Nuclei" at the Nuclotron

09.40 Artemenkov Denis (JINR)

Exposures of nuclear track emulsion to light radioactive nuclei, neutrons and heavy ions

10.00 Kireyeu Viktar (JINR)

Study of Clusters and Hypernuclei production with NICA/MPD and BM@N experiments

10.20 Mamatkulov Kahramon (JINR)

Fragmentation of relativistic nuclei 10C in a nuclear track emulsion

10.40 End

Coffee break 11.00 – 11.30

Polarization phenomena, spin physics

Chairman: V. Punjabi
11.30 Sharov Vasily (JINR)

Measurement of the spin-dependent observables in the elastic NN collisions at NICA

12.00 Mochalov Vasily (Protvino, Russia)

Polarization experiments with antiproton beam

12.30 Zakharov Alexander (Moscow, Russia)

Exoplanet searches with gravitational microlensing: polarization aspects

13.00 Silenko Alexander (JINR)

Phenomenological description of electromagnetic and strong interactions in rotating frames at collisions of high energy nuclei

13.30 Goloskokov Sergey (JINR)

Pion pole and transversity effects in hard exclusive meson leptoproduction

Break 14.00 – 15.00

Project NICA/MPD at JINR

Chairman: A. Sorin
15.00 Fedorišin Ján (JINR)

Simulations of MPD straw end-cap tracker

15.40 Geraksiev Nikolay (JINR)

Feasibility of hyperon elliptic flow study

16.00 Ilieva Mariya (JINR)

A Monte Carlo study of the strange particle production at NICA/MPD

16.20 Kushpil Vasilij (Rez near Prague, Czech Republic)

Investigation of avalanche photo detectors in NPI Rez in frame of collaboration work with JINR in 2014

16.40 Strelchenko Maxim (JINR)

Implementation of a cellular automaton method for track reconstruction in the inner tracking system of MPD

17.00 Yordanova Lyubka (JINR)

Feasibility Study of \Phi (1020) Production at NICA/MPD

Coffee break 17.20 – 17.50