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Submision of the paper December 31, 2014

Registration of the authors of Proceedings October 15, 2014

Abstracts submission before August 31, 2014

Registration without visa application before August 31, 2014

Registration with visa application before June 30, 2014

Previous meetings:

2012 2010 2008 2006 2004


September 15, Monday
Conference Hall of BLTP JINR
Plenary Session
10.00 Matveev Victor, Kekelidze Vladimir (JINR)

Progress in experimental studies in the high energy centers

Chairman: V. Matveev
10.20 Pondrom Lee (USA)

W pair production at the Tevatron

11.00 Photo

Coffee break 11.10 – 11.40
Chairman: A. Malakhov
11.40 Kekelidze Vladimir (JINR)

Status-report of the NICA@JINR

12.20 Gorbunov Ilia (JINR)

The recent results of the CMS Collaboration (on behalf of the CMS Coll.)

13.00 Demichev Mikhail (JINR)

Measurements of jet and photon production properties in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

Break 13.25 – 15.00

Quantum chromodynamics at large distances

Chairman: V. Burov
15.00 Musakhanov Mirzayusuf (Uzbekistan)

Heavy-light quarks interactions in QCD vacuum

15.40 Konopleva Nelly (Russia)

45 years of “Baldin autumn”

Coffee break 16.00 – 16.30

Structure functions of hadrons and nuclei

Chairman: V. Lukyanov
16.30 Bondarenko Serge (JINR)

Separable kernels of the NN interaction within Bethe-Salpeter approach

16.50 Rogochaya Elena (JINR)

Relativistic separable interaction kernel of the neutron-proton system with inelasticities for partial-wave states with J>1

17.10 Burov Valery (JINR)

Bethe-Salpeter approach with separable potential. Review and results

17.50 End

18.30 Welcome party (BLTP Cafeteria)