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Submision of the paper December 31, 2014

Registration of the authors of Proceedings October 15, 2014

Abstracts submission before August 31, 2014

Registration without visa application before August 31, 2014

Registration with visa application before June 30, 2014

Previous meetings:

2012 2010 2008 2006 2004


September 16, Tuesday
Blokhintsev Auditorium of BLTP JINR
Parallel Session B
Applied use of relativistic beams

Chairman: S. Tyutyunnikov
09.00 Artiushenko Maryna (Kharkov, Ukraine)

Energy dependence of the natU(n,f), natU(n,γ) and Co(n,x) reaction rates in the volume of QUINTA setup irradiated by 1-4 AGeV deuterons and 12C ions

09.20 Bielewicz Marcin (Otwock-Swierk, Poland)

Measurements of fast neutron spectrum in QUINTA assembly irradiated with 2, 4 and 8 GeV deuterons

09.40 Bukhal Volha (Minsk, Belarus)

Determination of heavy metal spallation reactions cross sections at 2, 2.94, 3.5 GeV deuteron beams

10.00 Chudoba Petr (Rez, Czech Republic)

Study of cross-sections of yttrium (n,xn) threshold reactions

10.20 Husak Krystsina (Minsk, Belarus)

Determination of the ratios of the average plutonium-239 and neptunium-237 fission cross-sections to the average uranium-235 fission cross-section in the assembly QUINTA neutron field

10.40 Kilim Stanisław (Otwock-Swierk, Poland)

Measurements of Np-237 incineration in ADS setup QUINTA

Coffee break 11.00 – 11.30

Applied use of relativistic beams

Chairman: A.Baldin
11.30 Kudashkin Ivan (JINR)

Diagnostics and monitoring of Nuclotron extracted beams for applied research

11.50 Wagner Vladimir (Rez, Czech Republic)

Nuclear data for advanced nuclear systems

12.10 Suchopár Martin (Husinec-Řež, Czech Republic)

Studies of relativistic deuteron reaction cross-sections on copper by activation method

12.30 Paraipan Mihaela (JINR)

Comparison between deuteron and carbon beams at QUINTA set-up

12.50 Zhivkov Petar (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Analysis of spatial distributions of the (n,f)natU, (n,γ)natU, (n,xn)natU reaction rates in the massive (512 kg) natural uranium target assembly QUINTA induced by irradiation with deutеrons with energies in the range (1 – 8) GeV and a beam of carbon nuclei with energies 24 and 48 GeV

13.10 Szuta Marcin (Otwock-Swierk, Poland)

Lead shielding impact on fast neutron spectrum (>10 MeV) in QUINTA uranium target

Break 13.30 – 15.00

Applied use of relativistic beams

Chairman: V. Wagner
15.00 Zeman Miroslav (JINR)

Reaction rates of residual nuclei produced in 59Co with the spalation neutrons generated with deuterons of energy 4 AGeV at the massive uranium target QUINTA

15.20 Słowiński Bronisław (Warsaw, Poland)

Space-dynamic correlations in quasi-two-particles \pi+Xe -> \pi + n interactions at energy region

15.40 Słowiński Bronisław (Warsaw, Poland)

Neutrons production in heavy spallation targets by electrons beams

16.00 Tseepeldorj Baatar (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

A particle emission region size in multiparticle production process

16.20 Tichy Pavel (Rez, Czech Republic)

Quasi-infinite depleted uranium target (BURAN)

17.00 Egorov Mikhail (Tomsk, Russia)

Double pion photoproduction on light nuclei

16.40 Majlingova Olga (Rez/Prague, Czech Republic)

Hyperfragments from the lightest p-shell hypernuclei. II. Recent progress and the next steps

17.00 End

19.00 Concert (JINR Scientists' Club, 6 Joliot-Curie)