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Registration of the authors of Proceedings September 30, 2012

Submision of the paper November 30, 2012


Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Russian Foundation of Basic Research

Heisenberg - Landau program of the BMBF

Dubna City Administration

Previous meetings:

2010 2008 2006 2004


September 12, Wednesday
VBLHEP Conference Hall
Parallel Session A

Dynamics of multiparticle production

Chairman: Smolyansky S.
9.00 Tokarev Mikhail (JINR)

Z-scaling: inclusive jet spectra at RHIC, TEVATRON and LHC

9.40 Dedovich Tatjana (JINR)

BC, PaC and SePaC methods for fractal analysis of events

10.00 Aparin Alexey (JINR)

Self-similarity of high-Pt hadron production in pA collisions

10.20 Makhaldiani Nugzar (JINR)

Renormdynamics, coupling constant unification and universal properties of the multiparticle production

Coffee break 11.00 – 11.30

Dynamics of multiparticle production

Chairman: Tokarev M.
11.30 Smolyansky Stanislav (Russia)

The photon cluster excitation mechanism of the e-e+ plasma created from vacuum in a strong electromagnetic field

11.50 Abramovsky Victor (Russia)

Comparison of the data on proton-proton and proton-antiproton interactions at high energies on basis of the Low Constituents Number Model

12.30 Abramovskaya Natalia (Russia)

Comparison of the triggers of the ATLAS, ALICE and CMS experiments and the trigger of the UA1 experiment. Analysis of proton-proton and proton- antiproton interactions on basis of the MC event generator Pythia

12.50 Vechernin Vladimir (Russia)

The dependence of the number of pomerons on the impact parameter and the long-range rapidity correlations in pp collisions

13.10 Vasiliev Taras (JINR)

Study of the the high pT pion and strangeness production in heavy ion collisions for the experiments with fixed target

Break 13.30 – 15.00

Dynamics of multiparticle production

Chairman: Slowinski B.
15.00 Lykasov Gennady (JINR)

Heavy flavour production in p-p collisions and intrinsic quark components in proton

15.40 Feofilov Grigory (Russia)

Forward-backward multiplicity correlations in pp collisions in ALICE at 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV

16.00 Dmitriev Aleksandr (Russia)

Analysis of differences on pseudorapidity multiplicities spectrum at LHC and UA1/UA5 experiments

16.20 Kovalenko Vladimir, Vechernin Vladimir (Russia)

Model of pp and AA collisions for the description of long-range correlations

Coffee break 16.40 – 17.10

Dynamics of multiparticle production

Chairman: Feofilov G.
17.10 Amalsky Gennady (Russia)

Possible origin of observed at incident proton energy 50 GeV events pp->pp+n pi with anomalous multiplicity

17.30 Slowinski Bronislaw (Poland)

Longitudinal profiles, fluctuations and correlations of electromagnetic cascades produced by 100-3500 MeV gamma quanta in heavy amorphous media

17.50 Maevskaya Alla (Russia)

Start and trigger detector T0 of the ALICE experiment

18.10 Patsyuk Maria (Germany)

R&D for the PANDA Barrel DIRC
