September 30, Thursday
Bogoliubov Conference Hall of BLTP JINR
Parallel Session
Polarization phenomena and spin physics
Chairman Tomasi-Gustafsson E.
- 9.00 Nurushev S. (Protvino, Russia)
- Single spin asymmetry measurements for inclusive productions in pp
and -p interactions at 70 and 40 GeV/c respectively (for PROZA Collaboration)
- 9.40 Abramov V. (Protvino, Russia)
- Single spin asymmetry in high Pt charged hadron production off nuclei at 40 GeV
- 10.00 Sapozhnikov M. (JINR)
- Longitudinal polarization of Lambda and antiLambda hyperons in deep-inelastic
scattering at COMPASS (on behalf of the COMPASS collaboration)
- 10.20 Ladygina N. (JINR)
- Deuteron-proton charge exchange reaction at small transfer momentum
- 10.40 Bednyakov V. (JINR)
- Nuclear spin in dark matter search
- Coffee break 11.00-11.30
Chairman Sapojnikov M.
- 11.30 Tomasi-Gustafsson E. (CEA/Saclay, France)
- Charm production in gamma-N and NN collisions
- 12.10 Glagolev V. (JINR)
- Charge-exchange np-pn reaction on the polarized deuteron beam (ANKE, COSY)
- 12.50 Janek M. (JINR)
- Measurements of the tensor Axx, Ayy, Axz and vector Ay analyzing powers for the d+d3H+p and d+d -> 3He+n reactions at 270 MeV
- 12.50 Korzenev A. (Mainz, Germany)
- Inclusive and semi-inclusive asymmetries at COMPASS
- 13.10 Ladygin V. (JINR)
- Tensor Ayy and vector Ay analyzing powers of the (d,p) and (d,d) reactions
at 5 GeV/c and 178 mr
- 13.30 End of the session