September 28, Tuesday
Blokhintsev Auditorium of BLTP JINR
Parallel Session
Structure functions of hadrons and nuclei
Chairman Baldin A.
- 9.00 Skoro G. (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro)
- Jet energy density in hadron-hadron collisions at high energies
- 9.20 Stadnik A. (JINR)
- Wavelet applications for jet analysis
- 9.40 Tokarev M. (JINR)
- Z-scaling at RHIC
- 10.00 Zborovsky I. (Rez, Czech Republic)
- Anisotropy in relativistic nuclear collisions and Michelson's experiments with light
- 10.20 Dedovich T. (JINR)
- Z-scaling of jet production at Tevatron
- 10.40 Gaidarov M. (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Scaling in inclusive electron scattering from nuclei
- Coffee break 11.20-11.50
Chairman Tokarev M.
- 11.50 Krutov A. (Samara, Russia)
- Electromagnetic properties of deuteron in the new relativistic constituent model
- 12.10 Tsirova N. (Samara, Russia)
- New aspects in the asymptotics of the deuteron electromagnetic form factor
- 12.30 Kulagin S. (Moscow, Russia)
- Isospin effects in nuclear parton distributions
- 13.00 Sissakian A., Shevchenko O. and Ivanov O.(JINR)
- Theoretical method of the polarized semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering data
analysis in the next-to-leading QCD order
- Break 13.20-15.00
Chairman Skoro G.
- 15.00 Kozhukalov V. (JINR)
- Relativistic description of the elastic pD scattering
- 15.20 Rogochaya E. (JINR)
- Electro-disintergration of the deuteron
in the Bethe-Salpeter approach
- 15.40 Shulga D. (Vladivostok, Russia)
- Final-state interaction contribution to the deuteron photodisintegration in the Bethe-Salpeter formalism
- 16.00 Pozdnyakov V. (JINR)
- Study of the multihadron production in gamma-gamma collisions
- Coffee break 17.00-17.30
Progress in experimental studies at the high energy accelerators
Chairman Vodopianov A.
- 17.30 Khodinov A. (NY, USA)
- Higgs Boson decays into four leptons in full simulation with ATLAS at LHC
- 17.50 Zinchenko A. (JINR)
- Study of a possibility to detect Upsilon in p-Pb and Pb-p collisions
at the LHC energy in the muon spectrometer of ALICE
- 18.10 Kushpil S. (JINR)
- Performance of the silicon drift detector for particle identification
in the case perpendicular and inclined tracks
- 18.30 Gmuca S. (Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
- Relativistic mean field approach to asymmetric nuclear matter in beta-equilibrium
- 18.50 Majling L. (Rez, Czech Republic)
- Production and identification of the superheavy hydrogen hypernucleus 6H
- 19.30 Koshurnikov E. (JINR)
- The dipole magnet iron yoke for the ALICE DiMuon arm spectrometer
- 19.50 End of the session