September 28, Tuesday
Bogoliubov Conference Hall of BLTP JINR
Parallel Session
Quantum Chromodynamics at the Large Distances
Chairman Perdrisat C.
- 9.00 Gerasimov S. (JINR)
- On Relations between leptonic and two-photon decay widths of lowest mass S-wave
- 9.40 Korda V. and Shebeko A. (Kharkov, Ukraine)
- The clothed particle representation in quantum field theory: mass renormalization
- 10.00 Vinnikov A. (JINR)
- Gluonic contribution to electroproduction at intermediate energy
- 10.20 Goloskokov S. (JINR)
- Electroproduction of vector mesons at small x
- 10.40 Zomorrodian M. (Mashhad, Iran)
- The influence of fragmentation models in production of hadron
jets in electron positron annihilations
- 11.00 Fadeev N. (JINR)
- Physical nature of Lobachevsky parallel lines and a new inertial frame transformation
- Coffee break 11.20-11.50
Relativistic heavy ion collisions
Chairman Gerasimov S.
- 11.50 Batyunya B. (JINR)
- Simulation of K+K- detection in ALICE experiment
- 12.10 Vechernin V. (St.Petersburg, Russia)
- Multiplicity and pt correlations in relativistic nuclear collisions
- 12.50 Feofilov G. (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Long-range correlations in PbPb collisons at 158 A*GeV
- 13.30 Shakeel Ahmad (Aligarh, India)
- On spatial and event-by-event fluctuations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
- Break 13.50-15.00
Chairman Kovalenko A.
- 15.00 Lykasov G. (JINR)
- Charm production in hadronic and heavy ion collisions
- 15.20 Suleymanov M. (JINR)
- Search for signal on percolation cluster formation
in nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies
- 15.40 Hanna K. (Cairo, Egypt)
- Model for restoration of heavy-ion potentials at intermediate energies
- 16.00 Zotov N. (Moscow, Russia)
- Structure function FL in the kT factorization approach
- 16.20 Topilskaya N. (Moscow, Russia)
- Investigation of charmonium states production in p-A and A-A collisions at SPS CERN
- Coffee break 17.00-17.30
Chairman Zarubin P.
- 17.30 Vokal S. (JINR)
- Azimuthal structures of produced particles in heavy ion interactions
- 17.50 Orlova G. (Moscow, Russia)
- The extraordinary interaction of 14N - nucleus in photoemulsion
- 18.10 Sinyukov Yu. (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Pion phase-space densities in relativistic heavy ion collisions
- 18.50 Anchiskin D. (Kiev, Ukraine)
- In-medium induced corrections to pion-pion and quark-quark annihilation to dileptons
- 19.10 Timoshenko S. (Moscow, Russia)
- rho-meson production in ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions at STAR
- 19.30 Shahaliev E. (JINR)
- Random matrix theory and analysis of nucleus-nucleus
collision at high energies
- 19.50 End of the session